These articles generally focus on stocks with upcoming catalysts, such as earnings. Much research has shown that options premiums are usually reasonably priced around these events; at the very least,…
These articles generally focus on stocks with upcoming catalysts, such as earnings. Much research has shown that options premiums are usually reasonably priced around these events; at the very least,…
One up, two down, and one to go. This article is for registered members - please login or click here to subscribe or register for free.
Bellwether… Noun: a particular event, result, etc. that usually shows how a more general situation will develop or change… (Cambridge Dictionary) This article is for paid members - please login or subscribe for access.
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is expected to leave the interest rates alone. There will likely be a hint at a mid-March hike by .25%. The DOT plot will…
Yesterday, Carter Worth & Michael Khouw talked about Facebook and shared their concerns about the name on Options Action. He pointed out that the stock is not attracting capital and…
If investors know one fact, it is that the FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, NetFlix & Google) stocks and a few tag-a-longs have captured the lions share or bullish price action for…
Readers of The Options Edge know that our preferred scenario for the overall equity market was a drop in prices of as much as 10% as defined by the popular…