The market is showing its true colors. We want to think that investors and, therefore, prices are rational, but there are times when they go off the rails. This is…
Discovery Inc., the TV network channel we enjoy watching, is a company we like and have liked for a long time. The world did not like it, and the share…
The stock everyone is talking about is GameStop. We remind our readers regularly that “Price Can Do What Ever It Wants.” This phenomenon is what makes trading so difficult. One…
We are beginning to notice more stories like this one from Reuters reporting that world food prices are on a steady march higher. Link This article is for paid members…
The price of equity rises and falls with social mood. When people are happy and confident about the future, they tend to start businesses, invest in risky endeavors like stocks,…
The Options Action crew took a look at Apple Inc. yesterday. AAPL stock is a Wall Street darling, of course, and we suspect it is part of virtually every institutional…
The federal government's budget deficit is getting ever more prominent. If we were living in a free market system, interest rates would rise, and the economy would falter as the…
Today we are going to talk about a company and its stock that, under normal circumstances, we would not discuss. That company is Iluminar. This article is for paid members…
In this past election, several states either decriminalized cannabis or outright legalized it. Those states are Montana, Arizona, New Jersey, Mississippi, and South Dakota. This article is for paid members…