We have been getting that feeling more and more that bear markets are a think of the past. That maybe they have been deemed illegal by the “powers that be.”…
If Tom Brady takes another Super Bowl, maybe he will take the family to Disneyland. This article is for registered members - please login or click here to subscribe or register for…
Investing is just as much about economics, finance, and valuation as it is about emotion. All we have to do is watch the price action of Gamestop to see the…
You may have seen diamond hands, rockets, and r/wallstreetbets rallying cries in the past few weeks—but what does it all mean? In this graphic, we explain the events that led…
People love their cruises, and it appears that people like the stock of cruise lines as well. This article is for paid members - please login or subscribe for access.
STOP . . . and ask yourself, do you have The Option Edge? Read about the week ahead. $GME $SPX. Obliterate your fear of Options and learn from the best.
As you might be gathering, we have been growing increasingly nervous over the past few months. The reason is a bit hard to put our fingers on. This article is…